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New Undergraduate Student Worker

Please welcome AIF’s newest undergraduate student worker, Caitlyn Obrero. Caitlyn will be assisting Toby Tung and Ruksana Baby with X-ray tomography over the next few months. If you’d like to reach out to her, please email

“Hi, my name is Caitlyn Obrero, a rising junior in Materials Science and Engineering. I will primarily be working with the Nano-CT, and I’m happy to be here with the AIF! On the side, I also do research on hyperuniform networks at the Daniels Lab in the Physics Department. After graduating I plan on continuing my education and hopefully getting to teach at some point, as it is one of my passions. If you see me around, please don’t hesitate to say hello!”

If you’re interested in RTNN undergraduate student worker positions, click here to see more details and apply.