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AIF 2014 Best Paper Award

Please join us to congratulate Sarah E. Atanasov from Greg Parsons group in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Nacole King from Paul Maggard in Chemistry to receive AIF 2014 best paper award. Their research work involves employing many analytical instruments housed at AIF.

Improved cut-resistance of Kevlar® using controlled interface reactions during atomic layer deposition of ultrathin (<50 Å) inorganic coatings

Journal of Materials Chemistry A

PI: Gregory Parsons

First author: Sarah E. Atanasov

Quote from the manuscript: “A SPECS X-ray photoelectron spectrometry system with Al anode and PHOIBOS 150 analyzer provided elemental analysis of the PPTA substrate……… Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Hitachi HF2000) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Phenom) were used to image PPTA yarn cross-sections and surface deformation, respectively……. The authors acknowledge R. Garcia and F. Stevie at the Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF) for assistance with TEM and XPS analysis, respectively.”

Copper Deficiency in the p-Type Semiconductor Cu1-xNb3O8

Chemistry of Materials

PI: Paul A. Maggard

First author: Nacole King

Quote from the manuscript: “The Cu1−xNb3O8 powders (reaction FS1) were fixed onto double-sided carbon tape, and a single crystallite was selected to make the TEM sample. An FEI Quanta 3D Dual Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with focused ion beam (FIB) was used to prepare the TEM sample………. Atomic resolution images were taken using an FEI Titan 80-300 probe aberration corrected and monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) operated at 200 kV.”