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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique that uses high-energy radiation to determine the elemental composition of a wide variety of materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, geological materials, soil, and paint.

Location: MRC room 303

The X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a Supermini200 Sequential Benchtop WDXRF Spectrometer. It can be used on solids, liquids, and powders, and is suitable for a wide variety of materials, including metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics, geological materials, petroleum products, soil, and paint. 

Equipment Specifications

  • Supermini200 Sequential Benchtop WDXRF Spectrometer
  • Analyze fluorine through uranium (F → U)
  • Analyze metals, alloys, powders, oxide powders, and thin films
  • Atmosphere: vacuum
  • X-ray tube: 50 kV, 200 W Pd-anode
  • Detectors: scintillation counter and flow proportional counter (F-PC)
  • Sample size: able to accommodate small samples up to 44mm diameter and pressed powder pellets (~5g of material required for pellet)
  • Automatic sample changer (ASC) with 12 sample positions

Contact Us

XRF Lab Manager – Jenny Forrester
Office Phone Number
