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Bio-EM Images

Images courtesy of Dr. Aaron Bell
Copyrighted images are intended exclusively for educational use.

Didinium nasutumDidinium is a predatory ciliate that feeds on other ciliates (primarily Paramecium) that are frequently much larger than itself. Didinium uses trichocysts to harpoon their prey and rapidly ingest them through their expandable cytosome.
Lacrymaria olor – Lacrymaria is a small but voracious predator of small protozoan species such as Tetrahymena.  Lacrymaria have the remarkable ability to extend their “neck” several times their body length in search of prey.
Chlamydomonas sp. – Chlamydomonas are unicellular flagellated green algae common in many aquatic environments.

TEM – Longitudinal sections through the cilia of a cirrus in the hypotrich ciliate Tetmemena pustulata. This protozoan uses their cirri to swim and move along surfaces.

cilia in longitudinal section through cirrus
Hydra sp. – Hydra are commonly found in pond water, particularly on floating plants or debris. They have stinging tentacles that are used in the capture of prey.
Hydra attached to Planarian.