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Sep 30th, 2016 – XRD Short Course

NCSU’s Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF) is giving a hands-on short course on X-ray Diffraction (XRD). This introductory course will cover basic principles of X-ray diffraction, operation of diffractometers in Bragg-Brentano geometry (that typically used for powders), and basic phase identification. It is meant for first-time XRD users and/or those interested in learning phase identification and pattern matching in HighScore software. The course will include 1 hour theory component, 1 hour of phase identification training in the AIF Data Analysis center, and 1-3 hours of a practical component in the XRD lab (as needed). After completion of this course and the EH&S course on Analytical X-ray Safety, attendees will be able to independently operate a diffractometer in basic mode.

In order to facilitate authorization to use the equipment, participants are encouraged to take the Analytical X-ray Safety offered by EH&S (see details at for this information and other requirements to gain future access to the instruments).

Date Friday, Sep 30th, 2016
Time 8:30 am – 4:00 PM
Location 324 Monteith Research Center, Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University
Cost NCSU student $50; non-profit $50; industry $350


For more details and to register, please contact Dr. Ching-Chang Chung at his email

Course limited to 10 people.

Example of XRD data: XRD example