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Scios Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam

The Scios is a Ga Liquid Metal Ion Source (LMIS) instrument for TEM sample prep, patterning, and SEM cross sectioning of samples.

Location: MRC room 119

The Thermo Scientific™ Scios™ 2 DualBeam™ System is an advanced analytical tool that excels in high-resolution sample preparation and 3D characterization for a variety of materials, including magnetic and nonconductive types. It features enhancements that improve throughput, precision, and user-friendliness, making it suitable for academic, government, and industrial research.

Equipment Specifications

TEM Sample Preparation: Designed to tackle the challenges of localized characterization of complex samples with small features. It offers fast preparation of high-resolution S/TEM samples with minimal surface damage through low-energy ion polishing.

Deposition Chemistries: Pt and C deposition capability.

Ion Optics: 500V – 30kV with beam current s from 1.5pA to 65 nA

High-Resolution Imaging: The Sidewinder™ HT Focused Ion Beam (FIB) column provides excellent imaging and milling capabilities, both at high and low voltages, ensuring the production of high-quality TEM lamellae. Landing energy between 20 eV and 30kV with beam currents from 1pA to 400nA

Various Detectors:  The most complete sample information with sharp, refined, and charge-free contrast obtained from a variety of integrated in-column and below-the-lens detectors.

EDS/EBSD: Oxford with Aztec.

Precise sample navigation: Tailored to individual application needs thanks to the high flexibility 110 mm stage and in-chamber Nav-Cam and the use.

Drift Correction: Artifact-free nano-patterning with AutoFIB and Python Drift Correction Script.