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Nanoindentation is ideal for measuring mechanical properties of coatings and thin films, as well as the spatial dependence of hardness and elastic modulus.

Location: MRC room 304

In situ scanning probe microscopy (SPM) capabilities are available to image sample surfaces before and after indentation, scratch, or wear testing. The piezoelectric scanner used for SPM imaging can also be used for automated mechanical testing at multiple locations within an imaged area. Creep, stress relaxation, and surface adhesion can also be studied using closed-loop load- or displacement-controlled indentation modes.

Analysis software accompanies the system to calculate reduced moduli and hardnesses from unloading curves and measured tip area functions. Users may select from a variety of indentation tips from AIF’s stock (including Berckovich, NorthStar cube corner, cono-spherical, and fluid cell tips) or supply their own tips for testing. An overview of available tips and a tip selection guide are available on Hysitron’s website.

Bruker Hysitron TI980 Triboindenter

AIF’s Bruker Hysitron TI980 Triboindenter is a quasistatic indentation system for nanomechanical testing of mechanical properties, including Young’s modulus, hardness, and fracture toughness. It is ideal for measuring mechanical properties of coatings and thin films, as well as the spatial dependence of hardness and elastic modulus. Its three-plate capacitive transducer design allows for a high displacement sensitivity and a low thermal drift. It is also capable of tribological testing including nanoscratch testing and wear testing.

Indentation AxisLateral Axis
Maximum Force 10 mN2 mN
Maximum Indentation Displacement5 µm500 nm
Maximum Lateral DisplacementN/A15 µm
Thermal Drift<0.05 nm/sec<0.05 nm/sec
Load Noise Floor20 nN3.5 µN
Load Resolution1 nN50 nN
Displacement Resolution0.006 nm0.02 nm
Displacement Noise Floor0.1 nm2 nm
Maximum Range of Piezoelectric Scanner60 µm x 60 µm60 µm x 60 µm

Contact Us

Nanoindenter Lab Manager – Toby Tung

Office Phone Number
