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PANalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer

The PANalytical Empyrean XRD specializes in fast, good
quality, in situ diffraction data in a range of atmospheres. The temperature range is -196°C to 2300°C, with atmospheres including air, vacuum, N2, Ar, and reactive gases.

Location: MRC room 303B

The Empyrean XRD has a range of in situ data collection possibilities, and experimental designs. The two major modes of data collection are “in situ” and “isothermal”, or a combination. In situ data collection includes XRD pattern collection as the temperature changes (constant data collection). Isothermal data collection is where a specific temperature is selected, the chamber is held at that temperature, and an XRD pattern is collected. The program can be varied to suit research requirements, and the gas flow can be changed during the operation of the program.

The Empyrean can be operated at room temperature on a spinner stage or a flat stage, and the PIXcel1D detector allows fast data collection and high count rates.

Equipment Specifications

  • Data collection modes that can be programed into a single run:
    • In situ: data is collected over a range of temperatures
    • Isothermal: chamber is held at a specific temperature
    • Or a combination of the two, with XRD patterns taken throughout
  • Atmosphere conditions: Air, Vacuum, N2, Ar, inert gas, and reactive gas
  • Temperature range: -196℃ to 2300℃
  • Detector: PIXcel1D, allows for fast data collection and high count rates
  • Voltage: 40 – 45kV max. operating voltage
  • Current: 20 – 40mA max. operating current
  • Line and spot Focus
  • Beam mask: 5, 10 and 15 mm
  • Programmable divergent slit
  • Automatic: 0.5 to 20 mm
  • Fixed: 1/32 to 2°
  • Antiscatter slits: 1/16 to 4o
  • Soller Slits: 2.3o divergence
  • Programmable divergent slit: 1/32 to 2°
  • Soller Slits: 2.3o divergence
  • Graphite monochromator: curved
  • Bragg-Brentano in reflection or transmission geometry with sample spinning option
  • Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD)
  • PIXcel1D
  • HTK-2000: Ambient to 2300°C; Vacuum atmosphere
  • HTK-1200N: Ambient to 1200°C; Vacuum, O2, Ar and N2 atmosphere
  • TTK-450: -196°C to 450°C; Vacuum, O2, Ar and N2 atmosphere
  • XRK-900: Ambient to 900°C; Vacuum, air, inert gas, and reactive gas; 1 mbar to 10 bar
  • Applied voltage: ±10 kV for polycrystalline bulks
  • Applied voltage: ±230 V for polycrystalline thin films