Aberration Corrected STEM – Thermo Fisher Titan
The Thermo Fisher Titan 80-300 is a probe aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with monochromator.
Location: MRC room 122
Equipment Specifications
- TEM Mode: point-to-point: 0.20 nm, information limit: 0.10 nm
- STEM Mode: 0.07 nm (sub-Angstrom)
Energy Resolution
- 0.8 eV (non-monochromated)
- 0.15 eV (monochromated)
Sample Holders
- Single-tilt holder
- Double-tilt holder: ±20°
- Tomography holder (Fischione): ±70°
- Protochips double-tilt heating holder (Aduro)
- Thermo Fisher Super-X EDS system. Resolution of 136eV. Mapping and line scans possible using either Velox or Bruker Espirit software packages.
- STEM bright field and dark field imaging, including bright field detector, high angle annular dark field detector (HAADF), and two annular dark field detectors to cover different angle range
- Gatan Electron Energy-loss spectrometer (EELS), capable of spectrum imaging (resolution 0.15 eV)
- Bruker Esprit 1.8 on-line and off-line versions
- Gatan DigitalMicrograph on-line and off-line versions
- Thermo Fisher Velox
- Axon software integrates with the Titan to dramatically improve sample stability during in situ experiments. Axon tracks sample location and minimizes sample motion during sample heating, cooling, or when gasses or liquids are introduced in sample chamber.
High Voltage
- Three factory pre-aligned high voltages: 80 kV, 200 kV, and 300 kV
Additional Notes
- The field emission electron source (X-FEG) delivers high density and high coherent electron beam.
- The three-condenser lens system ensures a nanometer size parallel electron beam generated.
- The Super-X energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) system uses 4 windowless silicon drift detectors to ensure high x-ray collection efficiency, even for light elements.
- The combination of X-FEG and SuperX EDS together is called ChemiSTEM Technology, which makes elemental mapping at atomic level possible.
- The monochromator makes sure the energy resolution of the electron source is as high as 0.2 eV, which allows electron energy-loss spectrum (EELS) to be collected at atomic level.
- Tomography function allows 3-Dimensional re-construction.