Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
This Keyence VKx1100 microscope combines optical microscopy with laser profilometry.
Location: MRC room 320
This confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) combines optical microscopy with laser profilometry, making it possible to obtain high resolution optical images and subsequently measure profile and surface roughness. It can be used for almost any type of material and is especially suited to measure surface features and roughness of samples.
Equipment Specifications
Excitation Source
- 404 nm violet laser source
- White light source
- High-sensitivity 16-Bit Photomultiplier
- High-definition color CMOS
- 130nm spatial resolution
- 0.5 nm Z-axis movement of objective lenses
- Motorized XY stage
- 100 mm x 100 mm
- Micrometric motorized Z translation
- Automated image stitching
Optical Microscope
- Pinhole confocal optical system
- 2 objectives
- USB camera
Computer Control
- Separate muiltfile analyzer
Contact Us
CLSM Lab Manager – Toby Tung
Office Phone Number