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Rigaku SmartLab X-ray Diffractometer

The Rigaku SmartLab X-ray diffractometer has options for a wide variety of high resolution, low background XRD patterns. Optics capabilities include Bragg Brentano, grazing incidence and X-ray reflectivity (XRR) for thin films, and we have a Eulerian cradle for orientational studies.

Location: MRC room 303C

The Rigaku XRD has a range of optics that can be used to collect:

  • High resolution XRD patterns with low background in Bragg Brentano set-up
  • Grazing incidence XRD patterns from thin films
  • X-ray reflectivity (XRR) patterns
  • High-resolution with a Ge (220 x2) double bounce monochromator for thin film quality studies
  • Eulerian cradle for orientation studies of thin films and single crystals

Equipment Specifications

  • Voltage: 20 – 40kV max. operating voltage
  • Current: 2 – 44mA max. operating current
  • Line Focus
  • Focal Spot: 0.4 mm x 12.0 mm
  • Laterally graded incident beam multilayer x-ray mirror
  • Automated mirror control and alignment
  • Variable incident slit: 0.05 – 7.0 mm
  • Height limiting slit: 2.0 – 10.0 mm
  • Ge(220) x 2 monochromator
  • Variable incident slit: 0.05 – 7.0 mm
  • Height limiting slit: 2.0 – 10.0 mm
  • Soller Slits: 5o axial divergence
  • Computer controlled receiving slits (x2): 0.05 mm – 20 mm
  • Parallel Slit Analyzer: 5o angular divergence
  • Kβ filter
  • Graphite monochromator: curved or flat
  • Standard single specimen stage
  • Eulerian cradle with φ and χ rotation for texture, reflectivity, and residual stress measurement
  • Bragg-Brentano in reflection geometry
  • Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD)
  • X-ray reflectivity (XRR)
  • Rocking curve
  • Phi scan
  • Reciprocal space mapping
  • Pole figure
How to run an experiment using the Rigaku XRD